Friday, March 16, 2012

It takes a village to raise an idiot, it takes a tribe to develop a culture.

From the Carolinas to the Mid-Atlantic region, it appears that springtime has arrived. In fact, summer has poked its head out this week for us in central Pennsylvania as I made my rounds at the shops, wishing I had a pair of knickers to wear instead of jeans. Yeah, not quite ready to expose the fish-belly white legs just yet...

During my rounds with accounts, repairs seem to be flowing well, bike sales are starting to rise, and people are definitely out in packs enjoying some saddle time. As I mention to my dealers every year about this time and typically do a small post on this blog regarding the topic of the 3Cs of a bike shop, I've decided to keep it short and sweet.

I found this TED video, from a couple of years ago, inspiring, and motivational as I reflect upon my top level dealers and how successful they've become through building their 'tribe' through the 3Cs of a bike shop.

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