Monday, April 29, 2013

2013 Infinito Test Ride, get one now!

Arrhh, I'm slipping on my posts as we enter Spring of 2013. I made a mental note to post more but this month's bike demos have been keeping a wrench in my palm and shop visits, a steering wheel in my hand instead of time at the keyboard.

That being said, I've been working on getting more cyclists out to shop's for a bike demo or two. Or to at least bring a shop to me, along with any available employees, to ride the bikes through the farmlands near my house. 

Some shops are closed on Mondays and one of those is Bikenetic in Falls Church, VA. I phoned the owner, Jan (yahn) and ask if he wants to drive a couple of hours to central PA and ride the new batch of Infinito bikes I had just received for the season. Without hesitation he accepted and invited his service manager Brian and sales associate Jeremy.

Jan in yellow shoes!
It's funny how you get used to receiving riders (consumers) to test your bikes; set them up, swap out pedals and send them off. I sort of forgot that the three guys in my garage are 'shop ready' and upon dropping all their gear in my garage, grabbed some tools and immediately started installing their pedals and adjusting saddle height for themselves. That made my work easy!

Paceline, love the kits.
We rolled out on the blue bird day, slight winds out of the northwest, just cool enough for a long sleeve jersey. As we spin through the first 30 minutes of the ride, I could see the guys getting comfortable immediately. Corning a bit quicker, jumping for the top of the hills a bit sooner, all of this before we started the on-bike discussion about the how and why of the 2013 Infinito Ultegra

Bikenetic has sold a handful of Infinito bikes in the past 12 months, they know the product range very well and how to explain the use of this bike to the average rider without barfing macho data on the customer's shoes. Even still, there's still one missing detail... riding it, to experience it. 

Smooth, fast, steady, well balanced, were the words Jan, Brian and Jeremy used to describe the bikes they were operating. In a head wind and cross winds, the bike was "stable; you didn't fight the front wheel as much as you would on the B4P bikes". Much of this Jan realized because he owns a B4P Mono-Q from 2009. Jan likes the quickness of the B4P (Sempre) geometry but was very pleased by the refined ride the Infinito exhibited; along with the way Bianchi K-VID and B.A.T smoothed out the choppy, Amish buggy-gauged asphalt we traveled.

(l-r) Brian, Jan, Jeremy
At about 25 miles, we pulled back into the driveway, parked bikes and grabbed some lunch. 

More questions came from the guys over lunch as we gnawed on some pesto tortellini salad. Jan put it well by stating that, reading about the bike and listening to my clinics is fine but experiencing the 'real world application' is where it's at. 

Thanks guys!

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