June marks the end of Q2, the bicycle retail selling season is well underway, and the consumers are either bringing in their bikes for tune-ups, thinking about buying their first road bike or second bike for some other segment of the sport. My interest in meeting the buyers/retailers is to receive product feedback, train any newly hired summertime help and make a excuse to get the owner out on a ride to talk business...stretch the legs a bit on the bike. At least the leg part is for me since I'd be logging 2k+ miles over the course of seven days in the Honda Element.

I love to see bike builds this one one. Not I don't appreciate the latest whiz bang aerospace/F1 goodies on two wheels but a touch of class and aesthetics needs to be taken into consideration once and while when building up a bike. Nice job Barry!
From southern VA I was off to eastern NC, popped into a few prospective shops to see what this side of the state has going on and then bolted northwest to Winston-Salem, NC to hook up with the crew at Mock Orange Bikes.
Once at the shop, we covered how the season has panned out for them and lightly talked about the direction the brand is taking for 2012. I got there near the close of biz so after all the formalities of work had been covered, Jay and I kit'd up and rolled out for a hot lap around W-S. Jay is one of the few Pro 1/2 guys I've ridden with who know how to do a socially paced ride.
Jay and the MOB guys have been excited with the direction the brand has taken with our Sempre and Infinito platforms. They also do an excellent job fitting the bike to the cyclist. Also having a great service and personable staff equals a victory for the brand, consumer and the shop.

I'm 6'5" and Zach is about 2 inches shorter than me. Needless to say, I can't remember the last time I sat behind the wheel of someone that tall. Now I know how other riders feel behind me, haha! Zach is giving some love to our Sempre this season too.[click here for more]
From there, I was off to Charlotte, NC to grab a high five from Gene and Carolina Bicycle Company and Bart at Queen City Bicycles. Both shops are doing well this year due to shop participation at the local short track mountain bike series and the Weekly Worlds road races. Getting your name out there in the cycling community is priceless.
With Greenville, SC on the list as my next stop, I grabbed a hotel outside of G-Vegas to save a few bucks and put me within riding distance of the only women's specific retailer in the region, Pedal Chic.
I kitted up in the morning and spun my way north into the city of Greenville to meet up with Robin of Pedal Chic. She was taking me on a tour of the Swamp Rabbit Trail (local tow-path multi-use trail) and a section of their group road ride route.

The coast of South Carolina has Bluffton Bicycle Shop giving Bianchi some new coverage. After the 4 hour drive to see Dan of BBS, I was greeted by a brilliant yet classic looking Imola.

After a night in the Bluffton area, I rolled out to ATL to see Edgemont at the Outback Bikes location in Little 5 Points.

After reviewing a bit of the goods for the 2012 season with Edgy, assisting customers and putting together a glorious parts and accessories order on the iPad, I pointed the Element northwest and drove towards Nashville, TN.
This week of traveling was anchored by the Harpeth Bicycle Club's, Harpeth River Ride. I planned on assisting Gran Fondo Cycles at the ride's Bike Expo on Friday evening and Saturday, after the actual Harpeth ride. (Saturday morning was chamois time with some of Gran Fondo's club members.)

On the way to Brentwood, TN I passed the Bonnaroo Music Festival. I should have known something was going on by the number of cars I passed on the highway, pulled over with guys 'watering the bushes' while nervously turning their heads looking for the cops. I would have like to have caught the Arcade Fire performance but alas, duty calls.
The next morning, we put the plan into motion at GFC; get the box truck and load up the goods for the bike expo.

The actual ride kicked off at 7am sharp and the organizers highly recommended you be at the start at 6:45am. I knew that would be a struggle to hit that time window so I did the best I could to get ready and leave the hotel by 7am.
I popped into the bike expo tent at Gran Fondo's table and picked up my wrist band for the ride. With no breakfast, I knew I'd be eating it on the bike instead. Vida took me out the back of the route as to avoid the congestion of the starting riders and see some of the finer points of Tennessee's roads without a cluster of recreational cyclists in front of me.
After delivering me to the first rest stop, Vida matched me up with some of the shop's club riders; mostly guys 10 years older than me on custom bikes twice as much as mine and looking pretty fit. I knew then it would be a good ride that morning.

The rest stops were well stocked and assisted by the Harpeth Bike Club members. It was blazing hot by 9:30am and they had a garden sprinkler going in the parking lot at the second rest stop. Let's just say that if you add a sprinkler to a hot day with grown adults on bikes, they'll turn into little kids real fast. The sprinkler felt great as I skimmed the edge of it as we left the rest stop.
Nashville has some beautiful roads and as I've mentioned before, are very similar to the roads in south central Pennsylvania; rolling, lot's of agriculture, and rural. We averaged just a tick over 19mph for the duration of the 100k which felt good considering the intensity of the heat. I knew my radiator was ready to boil over when I broke out in chills and goosebumps with 2k to go to the finish. A great ride with great company!

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